We will help you with your first gear!

You’ve talked to your local instructors, scoured dropzone.com, clicked through the gear shop web sites and even ventured into the risky E-Bay waters. Yet that first rig continues to elude you. Although you’d love to go all new, the cash isn’t there. So finding something used  seems to be a good option.

This website was created by small group of skydiving passionates and experts to help unexperienced skydivers get the best out of the limited money they have left after paying their AFF course and first jumps. For those tired by gear rental problems: waiting for a gear available to manifest for a jump, fighting over a favourite one with other skydivers on the DZ, wishing to practice brand new packing skills…. etc.

We are here to help you find the best deal. You can browse through the ads placed by other skydivers and ask an expert advice.


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